Packaged Information Services


Get up and running quickly, make a solid start.

Making a good start makes all the difference to how successful customers are when it comes to achieving your goals. But for each organisation those goals can be very different. We want to make it affordable for every customer to make the best start possible. Therefore Kwanlity has put together packages that give flexibility in what you need, but clarity when it comes to cost.

As a promotion, you do not have to be a brand new customer to avail of the below starter packages. For a limited period of time, we are happy to offer the pricing of those packages to all new Kwanlity customers.


KwanDay package
KwanQuickStart package

Maintain and improve.

Once you are up and running you may need additional support in keeping up with a changing market and changes in your business. Or perhaps not all the dreams you had when you started came true and it is time to review your use of Salesforce. It is not always possible to define such requirements as a project, they are continuous activities that keep your Salesforce environment vivid and help you get the most out of it. If you have been using for a while, but feel there is more to gain from it, then please have a look at the following packaged services.


Kwan-When-I-Want-It package
More-Kwan-For-Your-Money package

More about and

For more information about the cloud based development platform or the applications provided by

Sales Cloud
Service Cloud
Chatter Platform


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